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Friday, January 13, 2012

Replicating SP execution : Issue in SQL Server 2005 SP3 CU2 .Works fine in SQL 2008 SP1

posting after a long time gap and might still have not posted until yesterday when I got to know how smart Replication is .

Brief Summary :
We have a very large OLTP environment where millions of small queries do inserts and updates (No deletes) .The same is replicated to other subscribers .the data is so much that most of the time we firefight latency . So because of the size of the data we started archiving ,which also started deleting the data in batches from OLTP environment and replicating the same to the subscribers .This further added to latency for obvious reasons.

So to reduce latency ,we started thinking of replicating the execution of Stored Proc that deletes the rows in batches .No, I am not trying to say the just because we can replicate the SP execution , that the replication is smart .This feature is quite old now and perhaps you all might be aware of this already.

Issue that we thought we might face :
We already have had all the required tables added as articles in the respective publications .And now if we add the Stored procedures in the publication then we thought Replication will try to update and insert the data twice . For example Lets say there are 2 articles in the publication .The first one is a table (lets say REPL_TAB) and the second one is a SP (say REPL_SP) .REPL_SP deletes x rows from REPL_TAB.

Now, if we execute REPL_SP , we thought that it should affect the Subscriber table twice .One when the SP deletes the rows and two , since the rows are being deleted REPL_TAB should also replicate the same .So we thought this might not work .We then thought of creating another publication with this SP added as an article but had same reservations .

But logically , I thought that Log Reader agent should pickup the command from the T-Log and should be smart enough to replicate it once .I mean if I run EXEC XYZ which deletes 10 rows in a table ABC ,then it should only replicate EXEC XYZ and not the delete command because the rows are being deleted from the table and that table is also an article in the same or for that sake different publication .

I first tested this in SQL Server 2005 SP3 CU2 and got it partially working .In the same publication If I have  both the articles the executing the stored procedure will fill msrepl_commands and merepl_transactions with 1 row each .But If there are 2 publications with one article in each and I execute the SP to delete x rows its replicated twice .First 1 command and 1 transactions and then x commands and 1 transactions .Distribution history confirms the same .

I then tested the same on SQL Server 2008 SP1 and it worked like a charm .Below is the proof of concept for your reference :

Test 1:
We have 2 publications on Adventureworks database .One is publishing a table and the other is a stored procedure execution (by default Stored procedure execution is not enabled).Stored Procedure Del_stats_scan, deletes top 10 rows from table dbo.Stats_State in the Publisher database Adventureworks)

SQL Server verion : 
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1) - 10.0.2531.0 Evaluation Edition on Windows XP SP3

Publisher database : Adventureworks
|_Table :dbo.Stats_State
|_Publication :ADV_Table
| |_Article :dbo.Stats_State
|_Article :dbo.del_stats_scan

Subscriber Database : ADV_SUB
|_Table :dbo.Stats_State

Jobs :
Log Reader Agents :1
Snapshot Agent     :2
Distribution Agent   :2 

Replication is in synchronization :
Queries fired on publisher DB :
Query 1
delete top (10) from dbo.stats_test
Results :
Data replicated only once .The second Distribution agent did not Do anything . The reason you are seeing 2 transactions in log reader is because both are same images .Log Reader for one database is only ONE .

Fire these queries to find out what is being replicated :
select * from distribution.dbo.MSrepl_commands
select * from distribution.dbo.MSrepl_transactions

Query 2 : 

exec del_stats_scan

Results :Data Replicated only once.Only the SP executed and replicated .The other distribution agent did not do any thing . The reason you are seeing 2 transactions in log reader is because both are same images. Log Reader for one database is only ONE .

Run these queries to find out what has been replicated
select COUNT(*) 'No. of rows in Repl_cmds' from distribution.dbo.MSrepl_commands
select COUNT(*) 'No. of rows in Repl_Trans'from distribution.dbo.MSrepl_transactions

Test 2:
We have 1 publication on Adventureworks database with 2 articles.One article is publishing a table and the other article is publishing the stored procedure execution (by default Stored procedure execution is not enabled).
Stored Procedure Del_stats_scan, deletes top 10 rows from table dbo.Stats_State in the Publisher database (Adventureworks).

SQL Server verion : 
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1) - 10.0.2531.0 Evaluation Edition on Windows XP SP3
Publisher database : 
|_Table :dbo.Stats_State
|_Publication :ADV_Table
|_Article :dbo.Stats_State
|_Article :dbo.del_stats_scan

Subscriber Database : ADV_SUB
|_Table :dbo.Stats_State

Jobs :
Log Reader Agents :1
Snapshot Agent     :1
Distribution Agent   :1 

Repeat Test 1 and 2 and see the results .

Conclusion :
SQL Server 2008 Replication(log Reader) is smart enough and replicate data only once from the transaction log to Distributor .Distributor then distributes the command to the subscriber.There is a bug in SQL Server 2005 SP3 CU2 where the second test works fine but not the first test and replicate twice if we execute the SP. You will have to find out which CU in 2005 fixed this or might want to directly apply SP4.

Happy Learning .

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